Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Iowa Gubernatorial Inauguration

On January 16, 2015, Governor Terry Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds took their oaths of office.  I had the privilege of offering the benediction at the inauguration, and also had the privilege of presenting a charge to Lieutenant Governor Reynolds on Thursday evening, January 15 at the Service of Dedication.

However you voted in the election, let me challenge you to hold our leaders up in prayer.   Below is the charge I presented to Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds.  Please join me in praying for her and all of our local, state and national leaders.

Lieutenant Governor Reynolds,

When we think of individuals in the Scriptures, we tend to think of men.  David, Moses, Abraham, Jesus.....the list goes on.  But the Scriptures also include many significant female characters who left their mark in history through their leadership qualities.

Eve shows us that leaders are the target for temptation and that leaders have to face challenges and make difficult choices.

Rebekah shows us that leaders are always willing to give, often giving more than they’re asked for.  They put the needs of others before their own.

Miriam shows us that leaders look out for the helpless, that they don’t side with bullies and they defend the defenseless.

Deborah teaches us that leaders inspire their followers.  They’re cheerleaders who encourage, motivate, and inspire their followers with supportive words.

Ruth teaches us that leaders demonstrate loyalty and devotion to those they serve and the people who have helped shape them.

And Mary of Nazareth shows us that leaders embrace great opportunities with willingness and enthusiasm and know that the greater the possibility there is for failure, the greater the opportunity there is for success.

Lieutenant Governor, it is not by chance that we stand here again, this evening, as we did 4 years ago.  That evening I stated that clearly, God had prepared you for such a time as this.  I reiterate that this evening.  You have demonstrated exceptional leadership, as these women in the Scripture have done, and as such, the people of Iowa have re-elected you to serve them in the office of Lieutenant Governor, giving you continued opportunity to make Iowa a better place to live, work and raise a family.

As you, once again, accept this great privilege and responsibility, will you continue to be challenged by the Word of God and the people of Iowa to be a servant leader?

Will you continue to work for the betterment of the people of Iowa, consistently and determinedly seeking the best for each individual, and the state as a whole?

Will you continue to pursue advancement in all facets of life for every Iowan and continue to set an example for all Iowans in character, integrity and openness?

Will you welcome wise counsel as you uphold the duties of the office of Lieutenant Governor, and pray daily for wisdom and guidance as you serve the people of Iowa?

If, under God, this is your intent and the purpose in accepting this high calling, please signify the same by affirming: “With God’s help, I will.”

[Lieutenant Governor Reynolds: “I will.”]

And now, I challenge you, as God challenged Israel’s King David:  Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.  Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.
(Psalm 37:3 & 5, ESV)

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