Sunday, March 25, 2007

Whatever You Do......Do Your Best

I spent the day Saturday doing something I love: encouraging kids. Clarke Schools hosted a Solo and Ensemble contest for instrumental and vocal music yesterday and I had the privilege of interacting with many students from several different schools. After each performance I would say, "Good job", or "sounded great", or something similar. Why? Because it was true! And besides, everyone needs encouragement from time to time.....even you.

Some kids walked out with a smile on their face knowing they'd nailed their performance. Others walked out in tears, or near tears, feeling as if they had just struck out completely. Did some play better than others? Sure. But I am absolutely convinced that every young person that performed yesterday (at least in the center I managed) played their best.

Others students whom I hadn't heard play would say, "I did horrible!" or "I bombed" or "I know I did terrible", only to find out that they received a 2 or a 1 rating. They were surprised. I wasn't. Not because I'm some musical expert.....I'm far from that.....but because I believe in these kids. I knew they would do well if they just put their minds to it.

lesiastes 9:10 says this, "Whatever work you do, do your best, because you are going to the grave, where there is no working, no planning, no knowledge, and no wisdom." I know that may sound a bit morbid, but think about it: Do your best while you're alive because someday you won't be.

I want to encourage you today: Do your best in everything you do. At work? Do your best. At home? Do your best. In your studies? Do your best. In your hobbies? Do your best. In your family? Do your best. Oh solo & ensemble contest? Do your best.

You'll never regret giving and doing your best. Why? Because of God's promise in Proverbs 13:4, "The lazy will not get what they want, but those who work hard will."

Work hard, dear friends. Give and do your best. And then enjoy the rewards!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

God Has His Eye On You.....

Let's take a quick observation from Psalm 121:5-8. It says, "The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not hurt you by day, nor the moon at night. The LORD keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever."

A little boy was always getting into trouble in his Sunday School class, so in exasperation, his teacher said to him, "I want you to know that God is watching you all the time. Even when I can't keep my eyes on you, God has His eyes on you. He is watching you, so you'd better straighten up."

The boy was terrified by the thought of God watching him all the time. After Sunday School, he told his parents, "The teacher said that God is watching me all the time." They could see that the thought terrified their son rather than bringing comfort to his heart. So his parents put it into proper context for him. They said, "Yes, it's true that God is always watching you. But the reason is because He loves you so much that He can't take His eyes off you."

Proverbs 15:3 says, "The LORD is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good."

Now, you may need to correct me on this one, but I'm gonna guess that many of you reading this had the little boy's perspective on God watching you instead of the parent's perspective on God watching you. Many times when we think of God watching us, what comes to mind are the surveillance cameras we have in public places today. They are usually hidden in places where we tend to never look. In some stores they're obvious by all of the dark "domes" in the ceiling. They can watch everyone. People don't even realize a camera is turning around and following them wherever they go.

So when we consider the fact that God is watching us, we might think, "That is terrifying!" But it all depends. If we are rebelling against God, then the thought of it can be more than a little frightening. If that's you, how about taking a moment to lift your eyes to God and get things squared away with Him? Then you can have the knowledge that God is watching us, but He loves us so much that He can't take His eyes off us. We may lose sight ofGod, but He never loses sight of us.

I encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Him, because He's got His eyes fixed on you!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Thank You!!

In some parts of Mexico hot springs and cold springs are found side by side--and because of the convenience of this natural phenomenon the women often bring their laundry and boil their clothes in the hot springs and then rinse them in the cold ones. A tourist, who was watching this procedure commented to his Mexican friend and guide: "I imagine that they think old Mother Nature is pretty generous to supply such ample, clean hot and cold water here side by side for their free use." The guide replied, "No seƱor, there is much grumbling because she supplies no soap.

Ouch! How many times am I guilty of grumbling rather than being thankful? Far too many, I'm afraid.

Yesterday (Sunday) the church family of Osceola Assembly where I am pastor honored me and my family for 15 years of service. There were many compliments, accolades, gifts, honors and commendations. At the end of the day's events one young lady sang Ray Boltz's song, "Thank You". It was an incredible day.

To be honest with you, I was quite humbled.......yet honored at the same time. I was even a bit uncomfortable with everyone offering their commendations and thanks. But through the process I began to think, "How many times have I FAILED to say Thank You?" Same answer as above.....far too many. So I'm going to do something to rectify that.

When the Apostle Paul was writing to the church at Corinth he wrote, "I always thank God for you..." (1 Corinthians 1:4a) I want you to know that I'm thankful for all of you. No, I may not have personal relationships with everyone who receives the weekly note of encouragement, but I'm still thankful for you. God made you. He loves you. He has a purpose for you. Yep, I'm thankful for that......and for you.

Now....may I encourage you to thank someone today. No, don't just say, "Thanks" in passing. Stop and tell someone thank you. It might be for some action they've taken, for their help, for their service....for whatever. Offer thanks to someone who deserves it today. Don't hold it back......go for it!

Colossians 3:15 says, "Always be thankful."

I'm working on that........and I encourage you to do the same! Have a wonderful.......and thankful......week!!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mat Carrying and Other Great Ways to Bless a Friend

There is this incredible story in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus was in the city of Capernaum, in a house, preaching to a packed house. The place was so full there wasn't room for any more people. Then we read this:

Four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn't get to Jesus through the crowd, so they dug through the clay roof above his head. Then they lowered the sick man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "My son, your sins are forgiven." (Mark 2:3-5)

I want you to take note of a couple of things in this story. First, there was a man who was paralyzed. Not so unusual, right? But the first thing it says is "four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat". That's a little less than usual, don't you think? This man, paralyzed for whatever reason, had 4 friends who cared enough about him to take him to see Jesus because they knew Jesus could heal the man.

Well, they couldn't get in. Standing room only. Ticket holders only, sorry. So, let's go home. End of story, right? Wrong! These 4 guys apparently REALLY cared about their friend so they came up with "the housetop plan". They got up on top of the house, dug through the roof ofthe house (which had to make the owner VERY happy...) and lowered their friend down through the roof to get him to Jesus. Now THOSE are friends!!!

But wait, it gets better. I'm gonna guess that if you've read this story you might have missed this part. Verse 5 says, "Seeing their faith...." Did you catch that? "Seeing THEIR faith......." Whose faith? The faith of the paralyzed man? No. The faith of the crowd Jesus was speaking to? Nope. THEIR refers to the 4 friends. THE 4 FRIENDS!!! How incredible is that?!?! Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man's four friends and healed the paralyzed man.

Great story......what does it mean for you and me? We don't have to look very far to find those who believe they are alone. You and I see them everyday. You attended church with some of them yesterday. Some of them live next door, or work in your building. The world is full of people who have lost all meaningful connection with others, and who now, convinced they are alone, live empty and isolated lives.

The man in Mark's Gospel was healed that day, and his sins were forgiven, because first his friends cared enough to show him that he was not alone. It was their faith, and their faithfulness, that brought a miracle into this man's life. Look around you. Someone nearby believes that he or she is alone, and YOU can make a huge difference in their life.

So I encourage you today......and every day.......look around you. There are people everywhere who are paralyzed by hopelessness, fear and feelings of being alone. Will you make the effort to "carry their mat"? You could be the one to make all the difference in their world today.

Blessings to you, dear friends! Thank you for your willingness to touch the lives of others.....and in doing so, we all receive God's blessings in our lives as well!