Let's continue our series on how to make a new start, utilizing the acronym, START. We started with:
S - Stop making excuses
T - Take stock
Today we move to A - Act in faith
This is the third step in getting a fresh start. Act in faith. If you’re going to make a fresh start you have to launch out into new territory. The Bible says that the key to changing anything is faith. If you want to change your circumstance, it takes faith. If you want to change your personality, it takes faith. If you want to change anything in your life, you have to have some faith.
Jesus says this in Matthew 9:29 (NIV), "According to your faith it will be done to you." That is a very simple, yet powerful statement. That means we tend to get out of life what we expect. What are you expecting? "I think it's going to be another tough year, depressing, rigorous. It's going to be a real bummer." Guess what your year is going to be? A real bummer!
What do you expect for your life? "The same old, same old. Nothing's going to change in my life." Guess what? Nothing's going to change in your life.
The person who says, "I can!" and the person who says, "I can't!" are both right. We get out of life what we expect because "According to your faith it will be done to you."
So you need to start expecting more. Start expecting more of yourself, start expecting more from God, start expecting more out of life. That's the principle of faith. Learn from the failures of the past and move ahead in faith. . Let me give you the real secret of success. Every successful entrepreneur knows this. Real success is built on failure. Failure is the way you become a success. You figure out what doesn't work. When Edison figured out on the 200th or so time, what would make a light bulb stay lit, he did that because he knew 199 ways that didn't work. You never call it a failure in your life. Call it an education. You learn from it.
You may have heard about a guy by the name of Bill Gates. He runs this little company called Microsoft and he’s supposed to be some kind of genius because he's the richest man in the world so he must be the smartest man in the world. Anybody who knows anything about Microsoft knows they never get it right the first time. They get it right on the third time or the fourth time. Windows 1.0 was a fiasco. Windows 2.0 was a disaster. Windows 3.0 was a little bit better. It was Windows 3.1 that became the instant hit. Explorer 1 and 2 programs were terrible. Explorer 3 was a little better. Explorer 4 is pretty solid. Never buy anything from Microsoft the first time they put it out. The genius of Microsoft and Bill Gates is that they don't give up. They put a product out then look around and see what everybody else is doing and add it in. Pretty soon it's better than anything else and the leader. They rarely invent anything on their own. That's why the competition fears them so much. They know they may have started but Microsoft is going to catch up and about the third or fourth time they're going to get it right.
God wants you to get on with your future. Proverbs 16:9 (LB) says, "We should make our plans, counting on God to direct us." Have you made any plans for 2009 yet? When are you going to get around to it? March? Some of you are still planning 2008. It's over! The door's closed on that one.
You're going to go move forward either by design or by default. That means you're either going to have a plan or you’re going to drift through life. God says we should make plans, counting on Him to direct us. He wants you to do your life by design, not by default. The point is you’ll have something to head toward so your life has direction.
There's one thing that will keep you from acting in faith. It's worrying about what other people think. When you worry about what other people think, you're not going to do what God wants you to do. Instead, you’ll do what’s convenient. Don't make that mistake in. Instead, listen to God and act in faith.
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