Sunday, February 24, 2008

Receiving Advice

We have an exceptional leadership team at the church I pastor. I often go to them, seeking their input and advice with regard to various matters. But let’s be often do we like to "receive" advice? Wouldn’t we rather "give" it? But "receiving" advice is actually quite a wise thing to do!

The ability to accept and act on good advice is fundamental to success in any venture. That's why Solomon said, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed." (Proverbs 15:22)

The question is: Who do you go to for advice? Here are some suggestions about who to turn to.
Seek advice from those who know. Leonardo da Vinci said, "Ask counsel of him who governs himself well." There are people I know from whom I will gladly receive financial advice, but whose parenting advice I avoid. Not everyone is wise in every area, but in the areas where they excel and succeed, that’s the area where seeking their advice is wise.

Do you want to learn how to endure adversity? Don't ask someone for whom life has been a "piece of cake". Talk with the person who has been through the valley, through the dark times. Ask the one who has weathered a few storms. They’re the ones who can give you advice that is worthwhile.

Seek advice from those who care. There are people in life who have only their best interest in mind, and there are people in life who truly care about you. Talk to the ones who care. The advice they give is going to be a benefit, whereas the ones who only focus on themselves may not guide you in a direction that will help you.

John Ray said, "It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his counselor." Isn’t it funny how every time you ask for advice from a salesman their advice always involves purchasing his product? Make sure you listen to those who have your best interests in heart, not theirs.

Be willing to hear what you don't want to hear, and be willing to do what you don't want to do. The temptation is to seek advice from those who will say what you want them to say. Good advice will challenge you to rethink your approach and fine tune your strategy. Solomon said, "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice." (Proverbs 12:15)

Getting advice is not about allowing others to make decisions for you. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. You're the one who must live the consequences - all the more reason to make sure going in that you've heard from the best and are committed to following their example.
I encourage you to use wisdom when seeking advice. And of course, begin with God. If there’s anyone who knows you, cares for you and will guide you in a direction that will always benefit’s Him.

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