Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Best Source

I can remember when I was younger and I had messed up. I know that most of you have never messed up, but I was actually kind of good at it. This particular time my dad was talking with me (TO me) and I shot some smart reply to him like, "Yeah, well you’re not the best dad in the world you know!" I’ll never forget what he said. He looked at me and said, "I may not be the best dad in the world, but I’m trying. I’ve never done this before and there is no manual for raising kids."

That was a rather heated moment and I regret what I said because my dad is an absolutely incredible dad! His statement, however, stuck with me. I’ve often wished, as a parent, that there was a book that explained everything there is to know about parenting.....or world hunger.....or financial decision making.....or how to build relationships.....or how to relax. Then it struck me: there is a book with all of those things in it - and more!

It’s the Bible.

I know, I know. It’s a boring book that was written hundreds of years ago. Right? How could it possibly be interesting? Let’s see......It is a book about seduction, hot sex with multiple partners, schemes to have a rival eliminated, incest, murder, mayhem, thievery, family violence, sexism, surrogate mothers, polygamy, religious intolerance, and bloody wars. In it’s pages you’ll find infertility, surrogacy gone wrong, jealousy, "cat" fights, exhibitionism, adultery, an unexpected pregnancy, a non-compliant husband, and premeditated murder. Nope, they just don’t write ‘em like this anymore!

But more than "excitement", there’s also some incredible insight into humanity, relationships, child-rearing, finances, sex and integrity. The Bible is a book of hope. And you know what? You don’t even have to believe in God to reap benefit from reading it!

2 Timothy 3:16 says: All Scripture is given by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right.
A Bible that is falling apart is usually the sign of a life that isn't. So let me encourage you to pick yours up, dust it off if necessary, and begin reading it this year. I’d be happy to offer some guidance on reading it, if you’d like. And if you don’t have a Bible, let me know and I’ll give you one.

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