Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day. A time for "love". I hope you get a Valentine from someone you love today!

Did you know that God gave us a Valentine? Yep. It's found in the Bible - a book all about love.

John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

You say, "that has nothing to do with Valentine's Day." But you're wrong! Let me show you.

First, it tells you that God loves you. God loves us so much. God has always loved you and will love you forever. The truth is that God’s love for us never changes. It's not based on our "performance" or "worthiness". It's based on God's nature. God is love and His love for us is endless and matchless.

Second, it tells us that God gave you a gift. God gave you His Son. No, God didn’t send you a card or candy. He sent something better.......something that won't wear out, decay, go out of style or be gone in a few days. He sent us His one and only Son as an expression of His love for us

Third, God wants you to believe. When you send a Valentine you want the person receiving it to believe you love them. God wants you to believe He loves you as well - thus the extravagant gift of His Son. His deepest desire for you is that you would believe in His Son and live with Him forever.

And finally, God's love is eternal. It doesn't change or fade away and it is never neglected. Unfortunately, human love isn't that way all the time. But God's love is eternal. He wants to give you eternal, everlasting life. God wants to give you a future with him in heaven.

So, Happy Valentine's Day! As I said, I hope you receive a Valentine from someone you love, and I pray you receive the Valentine God has already given to you!

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