If you’re like me there are areas in your life you are constantly working on. One area for me is the area of being thankful. I’m a generally thankful person, at least in those areas where it’s easy to be thankful. I’m thankful for an amazing wife and two outstanding kids; I’m thankful for the opportunity to lead a phenomenal church, I’m thankful for great friends and a great community to live in. But it’s easy to be thankful for those things.....but sometimes there are things that are hard to be thankful for.
In her wonderful book, The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom relates an amazing story about the importance of being thankful. Corrie and her sister Betsy were held in a concentration camp known as Ravensbruk, where they lived in barracks that were plagued with lice. Lice were everywhere—in their hair and on their bodies.
One day, Betsy said to her, "Corrie, we need to give thanks to God for the lice."
Corrie said, "Betsy, you have gone too far this time. I am not going to thank God for lice."
Betsy said, "Oh, but Corrie, the Bible tells us, 'In everything give thanks.' "
Still, Corrie did not want to thank God for the lice. As it turns out, Corrie and Betsy were trying to reach the other women in their barracks with the message of the Gospel, and they had been holding Bible studies. Corrie found out later that because of the lice, the guards would not go into those barracks, and therefore, they were able to have their Bible studies. So it turns out that God can even use lice.
The verse Betsy referred to is in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It says: In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
If the Bible said, "In some things give thanks," I would say, "No problem there!" But it says, "In everything give thanks." That is not an easy thing to do.
This verse doesn't say we should give thanks FOR everything. I cannot give thanks for rapists, murderers, abusers and the like. It does, however, say to give thanks IN everything.
Bible commentator Matthew Henry, after being robbed, wrote this in his diary:
Let me be thankful...
* first because I was never robbed before.
* second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life.
* third, because although they took my all, it was not much.
* fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.
He wasn’t thankful FOR being robbed, but even IN the robbery he found reasons to be thankful.
There are some things that happen, and I'm not glad they happened. But I’m working on being thankful in spite of the tragedies and asking God for His help.
And you?
One thing I AM thankful for, and that’s all of you!!!
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