Tuesday, November 04, 2008

In God We Trust....Don't We?

We all know what today is......it’s the last day of those nauseous political advertisements!!!

Seriously, the process of electing officials in our country seems to get longer and more tedious every 4 years, but it is both necessary and a profitable experience for all of us.

Election 2008 is upon us. Today is the day all American citizens 18 & over have the privilege of casting a ballot for the candidates of their choice to provide leadership in our country for the next 4 to 6 years (depending on what office you’re voting for). I do hope you will take advantage of this PRIVILEGE and cast your ballot!

I’ve listened to both candidates. I’ve watched the debates. I’m tired of the rhetoric and the 3rd grade antics! "Senator __________, what is your plan for __________."

"Let me tell you what my opponent is going to do to ruin our country......"

I’m so sick of all of that! It is my opinion that we don’t really have a good candidate this year. However, if one or the other would just suck it up, stand there and tell the American people, "Here’s my vision for America......." I would at least have some respect for that person! What we’ve had - from both sides - has been pretty much void of helpful information in the decision making process.

I read a study several years ago that showed that the majority of people who walk into the voting booth don’t go in to vote FOR someone, but to vote AGAINST someone. Does that make sense?

The Democrats tell us we don’t want 4 more years of Republican leadership and the Republicans tell us we don’t want Democrat leadership. I don’t know how things are going to turn out on Tuesday, but regardless of which party is put in the White House we need to remember a couple of things:

First, we are voting for mortals. However moral and upstanding the politician is that we vote into office… he or she is still a sinner. He or she is still prone to the same weaknesses and sinful tendencies and the same temptations as the rest of us. These politicians are not God… they ARE mortal. They do not walk on water. They do not perform miracles… and they will disappoint us.

Second, these candidates do not have te power to do everything they promise to do. Oh, it all sounds good, but they don’t write the laws. None of them has the power within themselves to change the course of our city, state, or national destiny.

That being said, does God have anything to say about this? Could God actually care about any of this? Actually, He does.

First, He tells us that we should pray for our leaders......and at this point, for the candidates vying to become our next leaders. Here’s what He tells us: First of all, I encourage you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us. Pray for these people so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life always lived in a godly and reverent way. This is good and pleases God our Savior. (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

Regardless of whether your political candidate wins on Tuesday, you have a responsibility to support and pray for the leadership of our country.

Second, He tells us that we should live together in harmony. Face it, come Wednesday morning, many will be elated and many will be deflated. That’s life. But we still have a responsibility to live in peace and work together.

Romans 14:19 says: So let’s pursue those things which bring peace and which are good for each other. And Ephesians 4:3 tells us: Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Every piece of legal tender printed or minted in the United States says, "In God We Trust" on it, but do we? Friends, it is a dangerous mistake to put more faith in politics, politicians and political parties than we do in God.

Regardless of what happens in this election, a few things are certain: 1) History will be made; 2) We MUST be the UNITED States of America and not the divided states of America; 3) We must pray for our leaders!

I trust you will be voting tomorrow. Regardless of the outcome, let’s work together to heal the divide in our country and move it back to the foundation upon which it was built.

I’m Pastor Chuck, and I approved this message!

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