Sunday, September 21, 2008

One Foot In Front Of The Other

The 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China concluded about a month ago. There were some pretty amazing moments, to be sure. Is Michael Phelps a swimming machine, or what?!?! And of course, I can’t mention the Olympics without mentioning Iowa’s sweethearts: Shawn Johnson and Lolo Jones - both of whom represented the United States, and Iowa, quite well. So with the image of the Olympics in mind......

Imagine, for a moment, that we are competing in a race. When the starter's pistol is fired, we take off, and I leave you in my dust. I'm running really well. Let's say we are going for 10 laps, and we are coming to the last one. I say to myself, "I am creaming the competition. I am going to go get a Krispy Kreme doughnut now." So I wander off the track. Let's say that you cross the finish line 10 minutes later. It is clear that I beat you, but if I didn't do the final lap and cross the finish line, then I have lost the race. It doesn't matter if I led for nine out of 10 laps. I had to finish the race I began.

It’s important to start with the end in mind. Was the end a Krispy Kreme doughnut? I don’t think so. The end is the finish line, the winner’s circle, to stand on the medalist’s stand. Call it what you want, but the goal is to finish and finish well.

As many of you "get back into the swing of things" at school or in your job, let me encourage you to start with the end in mind. Plan to run hard so you can finish well. Will you tire along the way? I’m sure you will. Will you be tempted to go off the track from time to time? I imagine so. But don’t give in to those temptations.

Some of you may have seen the Olympic Marathon broadcast on August 16. Paula Radcliff was a competitor in that race, and she finished 23rd. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Radcliff is the world record holder in the event. For 3 months prior to the Olympics she had been battling a stress fracture injury in her leg.

I didn’t see the beginning of the race, but I did see the final few miles. Every step was work for her, but she didn’t quit. Each time her leg came down there was a grimace of pain on her face, but she kept running.

"I was going to the finish line no matter what. I tried to the right things in the race, tried to go after Constantina but my legs weren't there. I didn't feel sick or in distress, but there was nothing else I could do."

Four years ago, in Athens, Radcliffe stopped three miles from the finish with illness. But this time, she was committed to making it to the finish line. How about you? Do you have the drive? Do you have the determination? Do you have the end in mind?

And let’s translate this spiritually for a moment: There are many people who started off with a great burst of energy as they followed God, but somehow got off the track. They got sidelined by something and just haven’t returned to finish the race.

In the Bible, Hebrews 12:1 says (in part), "let us run the race that is before us and never give up."

No one ever said your work would be easy, the project would be a piece of cake, your marriage would always go smoothly or your walk with God would be effortless. However, if we commit to running the race and never giving up, we’ll reach the goal!

You can do it.......just keep foot in front of the other.........yeah, just like that!

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