Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A "Perspective" Challenge

Today I want to issue a bit of a challenge to you. It's been said that "perception is reality." There's a lot of truth there. But a good deal of "perception" comes from our "perspective". So my challenge to you is a challenge to change your perspective.

There’s a verse in the Bible, found in Psalm 118:24 which says, “This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!”

Did you spring out of bed with a cheery smile, ready to greet the day? Did you roll over when the alarm went off and mash the snooze button for another 7 minutes? Have you actually gotten out of bed yet?

No matter how your day starts, the fact remains that the day was made by God....and it was made for you!

But let’s be honest a moment......not every day is a “good” day. There’s are sunny days and rainy days. There are days when everything goes well, and days when nothing goes well; days when the car starts and days when the repair bill exceeds your paycheck. The list could go on and on, but the fact remains: The day was made by God and it was made for you!

Here’s where the whole perspective thing comes in: When the day “goes south”, rejoice in it. When the day is “spectacular”, rejoice in it. Either way, it’s the day the Lord made......and He made it for you!

Now, I’m a lot like you.....I’d love for every day to fall into the “spectacular” category, but as we all know, not every day does. You might think, “It’s a whole lot easier to rejoice when the day goes well than when it doesn’t.” You’re right. It is! But that doesn’t change the fact that God made the day.....and He made it for you!

Here’s the deal: We have to trust God no matter what. No, we may not always like everything that happens. Hey, God doesn’t always like everything that happens either. But we have to remember two things: First, God always knows exactly what we need. Second, when we can’t understand His ways, we have to trust His heart.

So, I encourage you today (and every day), to rejoice in the day the Lord has made no matter what it holds. After all, God made it for you!!!

Blessings, my dear friends! I pray your day will be spectacular!!

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