Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Week

This week is often referred to as "Holy Week", which began yesterday with Palm Sunday. This final week of Christ's ministry and life before He was crucified was clearly important. Three of the gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) devote a full third of their contents to reporting this week, and the entire last half of the Gospel of John is dedicated to this week. Jerusalem, which had a normal population of about 50,000 at this time, had at least tripled in size because of the influx of pilgrims celebrating the Jewish holiday Passover. Early (Palm) Sunday morning Jesus made his entry into the city. This was the end of all privacy and safety, and the beginning of what would be an inevitable collision course with the religious and political authorities. Crowds began to shout and sing as they threw down their garments on the pathway to cushion his ride - an Oriental custom still observed on occasions - as well as palm fronds, the symbol of triumph.

I have often wondered how many of those people who enthusiastically cried, "Hosanna!" on Palm Sunday shouted, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" a few days later. Some may have been keenly disappointed, even angry, that Christ didn't use His miraculous power to establish an earthly kingdom. Hadn't He created a golden opportunity to rally popular support by parading into Jerusalem and offering Himself as King?

But Jesus didn't come to establish a kingdom on earth. He came to establish His kingdom in the hearts of humanity. It wasn't about a palace and a throne and a mighty scepter for Jesus, it was about forgiveness for sin and the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven. And who is this for? For everyone, my friend. Everyone. John 1:13 says, "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God." I love that word, "all". What does it mean? It means ALL. Like the children's song, "Red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight......"

There are people today who have the wrong view of Christ just as those on that day had a wrong vies. Christ does not offer immunity from life's hardships, a cure for every disease, or the promise of financial success. What the King offered then is what He offers today-Himself as the sacrifice for our sins, and an invitation to trust and serve Him. If we accept His offer, we will not be disappointed.

Palm Sunday is past, Easter Sunday is just days ahead. I encourage you to attend church this Easter Sunday. Even if you're not "a church goer", attend anyway. Why? Who might learn something new about God and find hope that was lost somewhere along the way.

If you are in the Osceola area and don't have a church you regularly attend, I invite you to worship with us. You can find details of our services at

Blessings to you, my friend! And may the love of God bless you and fill you to overflowing!

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